
A Healthy Heartbeat Starts With You

With high survival rates and continuing innovation, Northwestern Medicine Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute is uniquely positioned to continue its relentless pursuit of better treatment and prevention of heart disease. In keeping with our focus on delivering better medicine and helping to shape the future of cardiovascular care, we are launching an endowment fund that will lead to better patient care today and for generations to come.

Together, We Will Make An Impact

Invest in the Future

Your donation to Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute endowment will help sustain a legacy of innovation, talent recruitment and groundbreaking research that lead to better patient care for this and future generations.



We’re exploring the power of artificial intelligence through a first-of-its-kind center set to transform treatment with earlier detection, greater accuracy and a higher level of personalized care.


Patient Care

For patients with an emergency heart condition, access to care at Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute can make the difference between life and death. Our continued expansion means more patients have access to advanced cardiovascular care close to where they live and work. We expect to treat more than 200,000 new patients with heart disease over the next five years.



Support from our donors means we are able to give our physicians the resources, environment and equipment they need to do the research that makes a real difference in patient outcomes.

Shelecta 'Shay' W.


Impacting Nearly 80,000 Lives Each Year…and Counting

Every year, nearly 80,000 patients seek leading-edge care from Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute. We have a global reach, treating people from all 50 states, 27 countries and five continents.


Looking ahead, we expect to treat more than 200,000 new patients with heart disease over the next five years.


Carl D.

Gifts from donors like you have already made these achievements possible:
  • Highest heart failure survival rate in Illinois*
  • Highest acute heart attack survival in Illinois*
  • About 75% of faculty involved in cardiovascular research
  • More than 100 ongoing cardiovascular clinical trials, with 65 actively enrolling
  • Highest heart valve surgery and transcatheter valve procedure volumes in Illinois**

* Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Jul 2015-Jun 2018
** Illinois Inpatient COMPdata, October 2016 – June 2019, annualized based on available data.
NOTES: Queried using surgical and transcatheter heart valve ICD-10 procedure codes (effective October 2015); excludes Pediatrics.

Priya P.



833.GIFT.NMF (833.443.8663)
541 North Fairbanks Court, Suite 800
Chicago, Illinois 60611